Elevate your Leasing Contact Center

Did you know that most property management companies pay three to five times the amount that others pay for traditional contact center services and receive less value? 

Use our cost savings calculator to see potential savings.

How do you know if it’s time to explore new provider options?

  • Lacking Customer Experience (CX) Focus

    Your software provider handles your customer contact services instead of experienced outsourcers

  • Lost Guest Cards

    Guest cards are consistently missing or lost

  • Duplicate Appointments

    You often have duplicate appointments

  • Unknown Performance

    There is no consistent or reliable way to gauge your providers performance

  • No Performance-Based Pricing

    The fees you pay to your provider are not tied to performance

  • Software Pricing Model

    Your pricing is based on a software payment model instead of a typical customer service model

Why choose us?

Efficient & Unbiased

Get better results faster. Objectivity is at the core of everything we do. You can count on a timely and fair assessment with reliable recommendations.

Performance Focused

Our proven history of optimizing performance by centralizing leasing offices and outsourcing to high-performing providers dramatically reduces costs.

Unsurpassed Knowledge

Our thorough and up-to-date knowledge means you get the best pricing with the right terms.

Unmatched Experience

With over 1,000 call center audits and counting, you can rest assured that we will align your contact center services with the desired prospect experience.


We don't just find vendors.
We forge partnerships.

Your outsourcing relationships are the foundation of your success. We create a mutually beneficial partnership with the flexibility you need. It's time to modernize your outsourcing strategy to meet your needs.

The benefits of well researched matchmaking.

Peace of Mind

Rest easy knowing you are paying fair market value for the level of service you are receiving.

Achieve KPIs

Incentivize your providers to meet desired performance objectives such as Visit Set Ratios and Service Levels.

Control Communication

Gain complete control of prospect communication. The contact center will enter guest cards and work orders directly into your CRM, preventing lost guest cards, duplicate appointments, and mystery emails and texts to prospects.

The path to outsourcing perfection is clearer than you think. We can show you the way.

Step 1: Discovery

We help you understand your unique customer service strategy, including how best to integrate centralized leasing offices with call center support operations.

Step 2: Begin the Request For Quote (RFQ) Process

We help you and your team with all aspects of the request for proposal (RFP) process, including determining response criteria, creating a statement of work, and identifying a set of service providers that will meet your needs.

Step 3: Evaluate & Select Suppliers

We’ll be there to help guide your team as they evaluate RFQ responses and determine the best candidates. Only the best fit for YOU will progress to the next level.

Step 4: Contract with Selected Supplier(s)

We'll help you negotiate flexible terms and build a mutually beneficial partnership with a Statement of Work specifically for multifamily leasing. If needed, we can also help manage service providers so the transition is painless and you achieve the best results.

Interested in learning more about what we do and how we do it so well?

COPC Inc. has specialized in contact center and other customer experience (CX) operations since 1996. With over 20 years of experience, we know what it takes to ensure your suppliers deliver the service you deserve at a fair price. Our proven approach to strategic sourcing for call center and CX service buyers is the industry benchmark.

Ready to elevate your performance while saving money? Click below to contact an expert who will guide you through the process.