Digital-Assisted Customer Experience

Make every digital interaction an opportunity to amaze your customers. Transform your customer interactions and lead your organization into a new era of digital innovation.

Individual Training
For those who want to advance their skills or organizations that need training for a small group.
Public Course Schedule

Embark on a transformative journey with COPC® Best Practices for Digital-Assisted Customer Experience training. This isn’t just a learning experience; it’s an expedition into the core of digital strategy. 

Immerse yourself in the world of both conversational and non-conversational digital platforms. Learn best practices for the latest in voice bots, chatbots, virtual assistants, mobile apps, websites, and robotic process automation (RPA). 

Go beyond the basics and master the intricacies of digital systems and self-service channels. Take digital channels from functional tools to standout features of your customer service strategy. 

  • Comprehensive Understanding of Digital Care Ecosystem
  • Development of a Robust Digital Customer Experience Strategy
  • Enhanced Customer Journeys with Advanced AI Technologies
  • Effective Design and Implementation of Digital Solutions
  • Optimized Integration of Human-Assisted and Digital Channels
  • Ethics, Privacy, and Performance Management in Digital Systems